The coverage of available documents is as follows.

Publication 2024/04/18 Close -
Document Types Coverage Range
Publication of unexamined trademark application 2000-000001 2024-038488
Publication of international trademark application 0131769 1775494
Examined trademark publication gazette 1922-000001 1997-046393
Trademark registration 0000001 0368898
Publication of registered trademark 0000001 6794991
Publication of registered international trademark 0131769 1749391
Publication of reclassification on registered trademark 0000369 4971322

* Some items in the retrievable coverage cannot be retrieved.

Application/Registration Information 2024/04/17 Close -
Data Identification Latest Date (Number)
Application date 2024/4/8 (2024-037434)
Registration date (national applications) 2024/4/17 (6797214)
Date of publication of official gazette (national applications) 2024/4/17 (6794593)
Date of publication of application (national applications) 2024/4/17 (2024-037434)
Date of international registration/date of subsequent designation 2024/2/8 (1775494)
Registration date in japan (madrid protocol) 2024/4/12 (1737424)
Date of publication of application (madrid protocol) 2024/4/12 (1775464)

* Some documents have not been stored even though their dates are older than the latest date of the stored data.