The coverage of available documents is as follows.

National literature 2025/01/23 Close -
Document Types Coverage Range
A:Publication of unexamined patent application 1971-000001 2025-010635
A:Publication text of unexamined patent application (paper) 1971-000001 1992-373400
A:Publication of PCT application(patent) 1979-500001 2025-501669
A:Publication text of PCT application(patent) (paper) 1979-500001 1995-509837
B:Publication of examined patent application 1922-000001 1996-034772
B:Publication text of examined patent application (paper) 1970-000044 1993-088920
B:Publication of granted patent application 2500001 7620167
C:Patent specification 0000001 0216017
H:Corrected patent specification 0000072 0000814
U:Publication of unexamined utility model application 1971-000001 2006-000001
U:Publication text of unexamined utility model application (paper) 1971-000001 1992-138600
U:Publication of PCT application(utility model) 1979-500001 1998-500001
U:Publication text of PCT application(utility model) (paper) 1979-500001 1995-500003
U:Publication of registered utility model application 3000001 3249919
U1:Unexamined utility model specification 1971-000001 1992-138600
Y:Publication of examined utility model 1922-000001 1996-011090
Y:Publication of granted utility model 2500001 2607899
Y:Publication text of granted utility model (paper) 1970-000016 1993-048400
Z:Examined utility model specification 0000001 0406203
I:Corrected utility model specification 0000032 0000330
A1:JP domestic re-publication text of PCT publication 79/000329 95/014186

* Some specified classifications within the coverage may have no hit.

Foreign literature 2025/01/23 Close -
Publication Country/Office Coverage Range
 A1:Patent specification 00000001 06167568
 A1:Patent specification text 04131592 06167568
 B1:Patent specification 06167569 12207574
 B1:Patent specification text 06167569 12193339
 B2:Patent specification 06269491 12207573
 B2:Patent specification text 06269491 12193345
 A1:Patent publication 01/0000001 25/0024761
 A1:Patent publication text 01/0000001 25/0024761
 A1:Japanese abstract of published patent specification 01/0000001 23/0345848
 B2:Japanese abstract of patent specification 03015127 11805694
 A1:Patent publication (with search report) 00000001 04492951
 A1:Patent publication text (with search report) 00000001 04492951
 A2:Patent publication (without search report) 00000033 04492949
 A2:Patent publication text (without search report) 00000033 04492949
 A3:Search report 00000033 04489505
 A3:Search report text 00000033 04489505
 A8:Patent publication (front page corrected) 00448906 04467204
 A9:Patent publication (reissued) 01529570 04471065
 B1:Patent specification 00000001 04470115
 B2:Corrected patent specification 00000007 03967629
 B8:Patent specification (front page corrected) 00850523 04415935
 B9:Patent specification (reissued) 00961322 04374122
 A1:Japanese abstract of published patent specification 00000003 04266854
 A1:Communication of International Applications (with search report) 78/000001 25/015350
 A1:Text of Communication of International Applications (with search report) 78/000001 25/010449
 A2:Communication of International Applications (without search report) 78/000002 25/015349
 A2:Text of Communication of International Applications (without search report) 78/000002 25/010448
 A3:Search report 78/000002 24/254566
 A3:Search report text 85/002037 11/064422
 A4:Publication of amended claims and statement (Article 19 of PCT) 94/000038 24/246677
 A4:Publication of amended claims and statement (Article 19 of PCT) text 04/086458 24/246677
 A8:Communication of International Applications (re-publication due to correction on front page) 96/027311 24/254269
 A8:Text of Communication of International Applications (re-publication due to correction on front page) 09/111695 15/193418
 A9:Communication of International Applications, search report (re-publication due to correction, change, or supplement) 83/004369 24/254003
 A9:Communication of International Applications, search report text (re-publication due to correction, change, or supplement) 83/004369 24/254003
 A:Patent publication specification 85/100001 88/105901
1030001 1997782
100998275 119325760
 A:Patent publication specification text 85/100001 88/105901
1030001 1998274
100998275 103858532
 A:Patent publication specification text (translation source) 1038764 1998274
100998275 118985183
 A:Patent publication specification text (translated) 1038764 1998274
100998275 118985183
 A:English abstract of published patent 85/100001 88/105901
1030001 3308257
100998275 105453717
 A:Japanese abstract of published patent 85/100309 88/100022
1030217 1997266
100998960 106297726
 B:Examined patent publication specification 85/100001 87/108249
1003001 1019872
 B:Examined patent publication specification text (translation source) 1003001 1998271
 B:Examined patent publication specification text (translated) 1003001 1998271
 B:English abstract of published patent after examination 86/105830 86/105830
1003001 1019872
 C:Patent specification 1019873 1333627
100333628 100596363
 C:Patent specification text 1019873 1333627
100333628 100576990
 C:Patent specification text (translation source) 1030935 1333627
100333628 100596363
 C:Patent specification text (translated) 1030935 1333627
100333628 100596363
 C:English abstract of patent specification 0134940 1333627
100333628 100456915
 C:Japanese abstract of patent specification 1022963 1333497
100333629 100596343
 B:Patent specification 1129942 1998271
100998281 119180000
 B:Patent specification text 1129942 1998271
100998281 103520607
 B:Patent specification text (translation source) 100532764 118631945
 B:Patent specification text (translated) 100532764 118631945
 B:English abstract of patent specification 101637077 105453543
 B:Japanese abstract of patent specification 1417733 1996689
100998281 107095189
 U:Examined utility model 201435903 222366578
 U:Examined utility model text (translation source) 201435903 221979463
 U:Examined utility model text (translated) 201435903 221979463
 Y:Examined utility model 2528190 2938734
200938735 201435902
 Y:Examined utility model text (translation source) 2528190 2938734
200938735 201435902
 Y:Examined utility model text (translated) 2528190 2938734
200938735 201435902
 A:Published patent 1998-0013594 2024-0179092
 A:Published patent text 2000-0000001 2013-0045957
 A:Published patent text (translation source) 2001-0084883 2024-0157138
 A:Published patent text (translated) 2001-0084883 2024-0157138
 A:English abstract of published patent 2000-0000001 2014-0051426
 B1:Patent 1979-0000805 1997-0011972
 B1:Patent text 1979-0000805 1997-0011972
 B1:English abstract of patent 1979-0000001 1997-0000266
 B1:Registered patent 000000013 002749610
 B1:Registered patent text 000107409 001320923
 B1:Registered patent text (translation source) 000000013 101681461
 B1:Registered patent text (translated) 000000013 101681461
 B1:English abstract of registered patent 000118461 001391173
 U:Unexamined utility model 1998-0010093 2024-0002110
 U:Unexamined utility model text (translation source) 1993-0017785 2024-0001794
 U:Unexamined utility model text (translated) 1993-0017785 2024-0001794
 Y1:Examined utility model 0106898 0498682
 Y1:Examined utility model text (translation source) 0107034 0498485
 Y1:Examined utility model text (translated) 0107034 0498485
 A:Patent publication, examined patent publication 00100001 02631908
 A1:Published patent 001400003 112023000124
 B1:Examined patent publication 01000001 03038914
 B3:Patent specification 001453871 112019006907
 C1:Patent specification 00000020 19983487
 U :Utility model 000160919 066058976
 U1:Utility model 006102806 212024000044
 U8:Modified first page utility model 020023125 212021000199
 U9:Complete corrected utlity model 009007669 212021000478
former East Germany(DD)
 A1:Patent specification, economic patent, examined but not searched 00000001 00296790
 A2:Economic patent of addition 00000010 00268994
 A3:Patent specification, economic patent, searched and examined 00026030 00285268
 A4:Economic patent of addition, searched and examined 00026034 00299844
 A5:Patent specification, exclusive patent, examined but not searched 00000022 00301775
 A6:Exclusive patent of addition 00000206 00213846
 A7:Patent specification, exclusive patent, examined and searched 00026040 00302035
 A8:Exclusive patent of addition, searched and examined 00026037 00302008
 A9:Document laid open (first publication) 00301617 00302031
 B1:Patent specification, economic patent, searched and examined 00000016 00767057
 B2:Economic patent of addition 00000021 00764887
 B3:Patent specification, exclusive patent, searched and examined 00000073 00765765
 B4:Exclusive patent of addition 00000596 00765972
 B5:Patent specification, based on the application filed in the former GDR ( second level ) 00049211 00302036
 C2:Patent specification, economic patent, searched and examined 00009612 00280481
 C4:Patent specification, exclusive patent, searched and examined 00084430 00300969
 C5:Patent specification, based on application filed in the former GDR ( third level ) 00240135 00296313
 T9:Translation of a patent specification 00271812 00281507
 U :Utility model 00000001 00018727
 A1:Patent publication 02000001 03151173
 A2:Publication of patent of addition 02000026 02898391
 A3:Utility model publication 02000226 03151160
 A4:Publication of utility model of addition 02028267 02640406
 A5:Patent (unexamined) 02015267 02443186
 A6:Additional patent (unexamined) 02019733 02438956
 A7:Utility model (unexamined) 02019748 02732228
 A8:Additional utility model (unexamined) 02024027 02737483
 A:Publication (former law) 00000001 01605566
 A1:Patent publication (with search report) 00698228 00720936
 A2:Patent publication (without search report) 00697658 00720937
 A3:Examined patent publication 00607556 00713485
 A4:Patent publication 00000165 08252059
 A5:Patent (unexamined) 00415225 00697215
 A:Principal patent and patent of addition 00000001 01937469
 B1:Patent 00697420 00720921
 B5:Patent (examined) 00559256 00690157
 A1:Patent publication 02001468 03241623
 A:Patent publication 00198802 01275125
 C:Patent 01275202 03233270

* Some documents within the above mentioned coverage may be missing, not stored, or defective.
* Japanese abstracts of foreign documents are translated by person or a machine-translation system and may contain incorrect translations.
 INPIT and JPO shall not be liable for any problems that may occur due to the use of the Japanese abstracts.
* Japanese abstracts of Chinese patents include Japanese abstracts of granted patent publications (B, C), and the full translations of publications of patent applications (A) and granted patent publications (B, C) (Detailed Information).
* Texts (translation sources) for China (CN) and Korea (KR) are the texts converted to a data format for the purpose of performing machine translations. There is no difference in the contents of texts and texts (translation sources).

Non-patent Document 2025/01/23 Close -
Document Types Coverage Range
N1:Journal of technical disclosure 87/003986 10/506096
NA:Manual 1997-00001 2024-00140
NB:Independent books 1997-00001 2024-00639
ND:Domestic technical journal 1997-00001 2024-00208
NE:Non-technical journal 1999-00001 2024-00226
NF:Foreign academic paper 2017-00001 2024-01582
NG:Domestic academic paper 1997-00001 2024-00425
NH:Company technical report 1997-00001 2024-00025
NI:Organization bulletin 1999-00001 2024-00033
NJ:Proceedings 1997-00001 2024-10020

* For the journal of technical disclosure, only documents approved to publish in J-PlatPat are available.