The coverage of available documents is as follows.

Domestic Gazette 2024/04/25 Close -
Document Types Coverage Range Latest Date
Design gazette(S) 0000001 1769258 2024/4/17
Disagreed consultation on design application 1999-000148 2022-501937

* Some items in the retrievable coverage cannot be retrieved.
* You can retrieve design gazettes issued since January 2000.
Similar numbers are not shown for the above retrievable coverage.

Publication Material 2024/02/15 Close -
Material Classification Coverage Range
Domestic journal HA0100000100 RA0600027600
Foreign journal HB0100000100 RB0600012000
Domestic catalog HC0100000100 RC0600034700
International catalog HD0100000100 RD0600022300
Internet information HJ1400000100 RJ0554870300
New product catalog HN0500000100 RN0500040600

Foreign Gazettes 2024/01/17 Close -
Material Classification Coverage Range
Foreign material HH1450000000 RH0544835600